It was wonderful to connect in an intimate virtual space. I met
Louisa Calio
here in the Archive group space just about a year ago. Lousia informed and supported me with likes, comments, and posts as the reUniting began. Though we did not know each other from our time in New Haven, our friendship developed right here on the Facebook page. Lousia took some time to update us on her recent writing projects and did a short reading. I am very hopeful that Louisa will continue to join us and the creative relationship will continue to develop. Thank you for joining us in celebrating all we have accomplished in one year. Louisa also had a chance to reconnect with Bitsie Clark and of course, Bitsie had the chance to share another one of her stories which are now on the record. Thank you Bitsie for joining us as we explore new ways to develop and share this Local Art History project.
Nayana LaFond
, introduced herself and shared the moving project she is involved with at this time which involves painting images of missing indigenous women. She lives in the Northampton, MA area and is an in-person friend of John's. We met during one of my east coast projects, and I was very moved by her description of the work she is currently involved with. Bob Von Ferdinand Wilson
introduced himself and had a few things to say... hopefully, we will hear more from him as we move forward with this as well. Mark Brown
and I have not seen each other in over 40 years. Only recently as I have been returning to New haven to work on the FACTORY Film with Bill Kraus and Gormand Bechard did we reconnect through a mutual friend. Seeing Mark in virtual space was lovely and touching. Mark was impressively open and connected with all of us, as we did some did you know so and so all around, always an ice breaker. And yes some mutual friends were revealed. Mark and his wife live in Philly however his wife Norma was part of the first graduating class at ECA. Mark was and still is a musician. Aggie Goldenholz came in just as our core group was winding down.. she added an unexpected spiritual dimension to things. Aggie is a Milwaukee friend of mine, an ordained Rabbi she combines knowledge of spiritual tradition with love and respect for the creative process.
John Landino
did a great job hosting, he had a great backdrop from his 1985 State Street project of cascading plastic over a building, as well as his most recent outdoor installation called "Distance". He was complete with a top hat, backdrop, and a sensitivity to all who dropped in. Thank you John Landino
for being your welcoming self.I was learning on the spot some of the ZOOM skills necessary to record and put on virtual party hats at the same time. Special thanks again to
Roberta Chambers
, Johnes Ruta
, and Clare Richey-Kaplan
for supporting this new venture by committing in advance to show up and work together. All in all the evening was filled with honest open unscripted interactions. plenty of listening and even some hearing. WOW the future seems bright!