
Thursday, January 30, 2014

In Wisconsin, Obama orders review of job training programs - Jennifer Epstein and Carrie Budoff Brown -

In Wisconsin, Obama orders review of job training programs - Jennifer Epstein and Carrie Budoff Brown -

"“A lot of young people no longer see the trades and skilled manufacturing as a viable career, but I promise you, folks can make a lot more potentially with skilled manufacturing or the trades than they might with an art history degree,” Obama said.

“Nothing wrong with art history degree,” he added. “I love art history. I don’t want to get a bunch of emails from everybody. I’m just saying, you can make a really good living and have a great career without getting a four-year college education, as long as you get the skills and training that you need.”"

Read more:

College Art Association Advocacy » Blog Archive » Obama and Art History | CAA

College Art Association Advocacy » Blog Archive » Obama and Art History | CAA

Avant-Garde Quilt Explosion! | ARTnews

Avant-Garde Quilt Explosion! | ARTnews

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Andre Amador's Playa Paintings are Sandy Works of Art

Andre Amador's Playa Paintings are Sandy Works of Art

myMUSEum storAGE space: Documenting the overflowing studio MESS

myMUSEum storAGE space: Documenting the overflowing studio MESS

Today I went downstairs to the actual studio mess space. I am hoping once again to start to sort and find ways to start to digitize and just make sense of all the stuff that is here. It feels like a ton of stuff and it feels impossible to get anywhere.. given that I am just going to let go and do what I can both online and in real space.... nothing professional here... just some down home focused and relaxed effort... Use this link to view more text and images from todays efforts. studio MESS

Monday, January 27, 2014

Investing in Arts and Creative People to Boost the Economy

Investing in Arts and Creative People to Boost the Economy

"Current Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee has always been considered an unusual politician. The relic of the now-defunct moderate republican, the former Rhode Islander chose to leave his former party and run as an independent in his home state. With his election in 2011, he inherited a twelve percent unemployment rate, a nearly half a billion dollar budget shortfall, and a small city in bankruptcy.
Rhode Island needed a new approach.
Three years later, Chafee has decided to look at new ways to revive Rhode Island. With its traditional manufacturing economy still lagging, it is struggling to feel more of the so-called recovery, in spite of a lower unemployment rate. This week he announced a new initiative that he says is the key to Rhode Island’s economic future and a safe bet: funding the arts."

Monday, January 6, 2014

On Sunday December 29, 2013 four of us (Jody Hirsh, Marge Eiseman, Bev Richey and Clare Richey Kaplan) left Milwaukee at noon to go to the 2013 Wisconsin Triennial at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. We were met there by the exhibition Leah Kolb (the associate curator at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art) . Leah is also the facilitator of the Madison Jewish Lab. Two other members of the Madison group met us at the museum for an informative and inspiring gallery visit. 

Link to the Madison Jewish Arts Lab Hillel page: