
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Roberta Chambers FBP "TOP GIRLS" Performance Studio SET DESIGN/ARCHIVE


Roberta Chambers
Founding Member
Performance Studio did a version of Caryl Churchill's 'Top Girls' directed by Amy Seham. I did one of the sets. It called for a playhouse in an inner city backyard. The girls who built it had few resources so I made it from discarded things they could find. They also were punky rebellious kids playing a bit with the darkside so I chose tires, abused dolls and amazingly was able to convince a record store in NYC to give me their Siouxsie & the Banshees poster on their wall. In old photos looking down backyards of rowhouses you'd see laundry hanging from endless rows of clotheslines. I got XXXL t-shirts and printed black line drawings of 2 rows of laundry on them. Next I hand painted the pictures of the garments so that they'd all be different colors & patterns. They were hung on receding lines on stage. After the show they were sold to the audience to benefit the theater. Here is a photo of one hanging out to dry from a friends' garret apartment window.