
Monday, December 21, 2020

Why do we believe lies? | Audio Interview with Bill Gates and Yuval Noah Harari

Why do we believe lies? | Bill Gates with Yuval Noah Harari

"If you’ve followed the news this year, it probably won’t surprise you that I’ve become very curious about why people spread lies or believe things that are untrue. But beyond my personal connection, I’m super fascinated by the role that falsehoods have played in shaping human societies. Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari is one of the best people in the world to talk to about this, so we invited him to join us.

I’m a huge fan of Yuval, and Rashida and I geeked out over our mutual love of his books the first time we met. If you aren’t familiar with his work, Yuval has written popular books about humanity’s pastpresent, and future. (His new graphic novel adaptation of Sapiens looks very cool.) He explained to Rashida and me how Homo sapiens’ ability to create myths and fictions is the very thing that has enabled us to create communities." Bill Gates

Link to this audio program here: