
Friday, December 27, 2019

Wrapping up the week of December 23-28 2019...

Wrapping up the week of December 23-28 2019...
Despite it being Christmas and Hanukkah this week the Archive remained a stimulating recall space. Thank you Louisa Calio for adding important materials about City Spirit Artists. Robert Gregson it is clear we are all appreciating seeing your personal work from the eighties.  Learning more about your early years in New Haven and how they influenced it's culture will certainly keep me tuned in.. Thank you Bob for all your support and leadership with this online experiment... Roberta Chambers, your detailed written voice is always a treat for me to read and your photos are newly re-imprinting on/in? my visual memory. I went so far as to ask Dani over this holiday week if she remembered the Laundry T-shirt.. (which she did). Thank you all for making the archive a thoughtful and satisfying remembering experience for all of us....

There is a lot for me to appreciate as we wrap up the week and the year. Very happy to have Karen Rossi join us as a member of the group. Glad Abe Gelbart stopped by to like a post. And of course always nice when Jeff Burnett and Nicola Cole swing in from their far off residences to share a past memory with a current comment... This week John Landino reminded me what sharing looks like and filled his FB page with many of the wonderful posts that were created for this group page. His personal community is becoming well informed about the work that is happening in the archive. Thanks John for leading the way.

If I have missed thanking you for your contribution this week.. I am sorry. I am aware that there is always the risk of missing something and in the spirit of 'imperfection and moving forward"... I apologize in advance... If I spend to much time trying to get it all right.. I won't do it at all. There may be some 80's wisdom in that...

In the last week or so we have had several newspaper articles added in their original formats. That of course is excellent documentation but difficult to read. I am suggesting that if possible these articles be typed up to make their content available to all of us now and for those in the future who will need to be able to access the actual content. I use a blog to do that and as we progress it might make sense to set up a companion blog to this FBG.. but for right now.. I am recommending using the available FBG FILE documents option.. I created an example of how these articles can be preserved in their original format (as images) and their content can be easily read. If you have any questions about this.. please contact me...

In addition I have gone through all the posts and tagged them. There is a search function on the left hand side of the page. If you search your own name of another member.. or even a topic.. you will get posts related to that person or topic. (the more information you are able to add to the post or image, the more search-able it will be) A gentle reminder that I remain committed to this archive functioning as a gateway into this particular time period of the local arts in New Haven. I imagine each member of this group having their own File s which will offer writers  or curators or collectors or who ever might be interested information about how to reach or research a particular artist, group or organization.

Having this material presented in an interconnected/relational format should make the exploring this time period  a unique opportunity those who are interested in the interconnectedness of this local art  community.