
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Moving UP&OUT

I have been thinking about this project for a long time. The time has come to dig out of this basement space and to bring the work out into the light. When I come down here... I become overwhelmed with all the documents and the lack of natural light and space. I know that the first step is the hardest. There will be on final resting space for understanding how this became my life... but that is not the goal of this project. It is time to collect myself. It is time to put things together and to take things apart at the same time.

It is time to create digital files and ways to organize myself on line as well as in physical space. I hesitate to type too much right now.. but if the verbal spewing helps to open me up to the the chaos I am embarking upon... then let that be the medium and the process of... SPEW begin.

I will use this space to explore the physical reality along with the psychological and emotional reality. I am going to give myself full freedom to be messy and irregular. There is no schedule and for the most part no artificial goals or desired outcomes right now. I am not opposed to results... but results are not my goal. the work is the goal. In that way I would like the work/process to be an organically connected and disconnected experience. I want to be open to the flow and to the frustration. I want to witness the resistance and the flow of the EFFORT.

The overall purpose and goal of this project is to help create and sustain personal and creative momentum. Change and movement are necessary to me and I want to strengthen my "CHANGING" habit.

I want to stress that I am creating this blog space for me. It is a tool and a media that I plan to use as a place to express myself as a means to support my own EFFORTS to rekindle my studio practice. My instincts are strong to do this and I feel that my personal liberation depends on me doing this work. If I find that idea changes... I will alter the course of the project.

I plan to start this blog in a very simple and provisional way. I will post images and add my experiences of the photos that will allow me to awaken my memories which will should ultimately lead to new connections.

The simple explanation for this work is the desire as an artist and now student of art history I appreciate the importance of my own voice being clearly inserted into the this body of work.